Baby wearing can be such a parenting life saver. I’m not saying prams don’t have their place but having your baby close can calm your baby, reduce the amount they cry and most importantly keep your hands free so you can drink a coffee and scroll through Instagram simultaneously.
And did you know…you can breastfeed while baby wearing? It can take a while to master, but soon it will become second nature.
My Top tips:
•There are so many carriers to choose from- they can range from traditional wraps to more structured carriers. You can feed in every carrier but a cloth sling can be helpful around the house with a newborn. If you want to hike with your baby you might want a more supportive carrier like the Ergo.
•Learning to breastfeed while baby wearing takes time and I would recommended practising at home first – start off topless and in front of the mirror.
•Loosen the carrier’s straps and find a comfortable breastfeeding position. You will need to position your breast and support your bab to latch. Initially latching bab can require a bit more input from you than in other positions but once they’re feeding you can adjust your sling again so it’s comfortable and chill.
•Wear something that allows easy access to your boobs like a t-shirt (tight dresses aren’t ideal).
•Make sure your baby’s face is free of obstruction and that they are well supported in the carrier – I would advise you research safe baby wearing practises (look up the acronym – T.I.C.K.S).
•Nursing while baby wearing can be done discreetly which you might find helpful (e.g on a packed London tube). You can also run for a bus or have your hands free to eat your own meal!
-Ensure baby’s airways are always clear and be attentive to the noises they are making while feeding – grunting and snoring while feeding might show they are in distress
-And once they’ve finished active feeding adjust babs head so that their face is not pressing against your breasts.
Breastfeeding my baby to sleep in her carrier was my favourite magic trick. It meant if I was at a dinner party and she was overstimulated I could always feed her to sleep!
Milly Godwin (IBCLC)