MilkyStarts offers practical and compassionate breastfeeding support, whatever the challenges you are facing. I would love to help you reach your feeding goals.
I have been helping breastfeeding families for over seven years. My passion in infant feeding began during my midwifery career which led me to train as a lactation consultant. I offer home visits in North, East and North West London.
Whilst breastfeeding is a natural process it can time and practise to get the hang of it. Make sure you are sitting comfortably and that you are holding your baby close to you; their body should be facing your chest. Position your baby so that their nose is in line with your nipple. Wait for them to open their mouth wide and guide them to your breast with their chin leading. They should have a large chunk of your breast tissue in their mouth. If you are unsure about your technique, please reach out to me and I can help.
There are a couple of reliable indicators that lactation specialists use to assess breastfeeding. Your baby should be passing enough wet and dirty nappies for their age and they should be gaining weight sufficiently. Breastfeeding shouldn't be painful and your breasts should feel softer after a feed.
A lactation consultant will listen to your feeding goals and help you make a plan. They will observe your baby breastfeeding and help correct the positioning and latch. A lactation consultant can help with painful nipples, breast problems and milk supply. They are also specialists in breast pumps, infant formula, newborn care and can give you any advice that you need. Studies have shown that women who have been supported by lactation consultants are more likely to be exclusively breastfeeding at six months.
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